Alright, I just got back from my trip from Las Vegas and let me tell you I had a FANTASTIC time. However; I am going to need a vacation just to recover from this one. Our flight was a little late so we didn't get home until 5am and I had to get up at 6:30 to get my oldest ready for school and to watch my two youngest! YAWN, sooooooooooo tired! I wanna show you just a few of my pictures from my vacation so scroll on down and check them out!

Do you all know who this handsome man is? If you guessed Santa Clause you would be right! They had a Santa Clause convention in the hotel I stayed at and let me tell you I
LOVE Santa! It was like Christmas all over again for me! I had to get this picture with one of the Santa's so I could show my son that I saw Santa on vacation! This Santa was such a good sport about it!
Thanks Santa!
Who knows this
sexy chick? No, it's not me this time, I'm talkin' about the green chick behind me! This was taken at the M&M factory or like Australians call it the W&W factory! lol I absolutely love M&M's. There was four floors worth of stuff to check out! I definetly recommend this stop if you are ever in Vegas!
What a total tourist I am! I got my Las Vegas sweatshirt and my Geek Purse! Throw me in a crowd of locals and I would be easy to spot as the tourist! lol

Last but not least, here is a picture of me and my husband at the
Nathan Burton show. If you watch
America's Got Talent then you have probably seen this guy before. He was quite the funny magician! For
$23 we got to see the show and enjoy the buffet afterwards! It was a great deal however I don't recommend purchasing any drinks during the show. We ordered 2 strawberry daquiries, which were very tasty, yet they cost us $27 YIKES!
Look at my husband, doesn't he look so thrilled! lol I think at this point he was ready for bed!